People considering donating eggs may feel uncertain about what the process entails. Before embarking upon any life-changing journey, a person should understand what they face.
Here is a description of the egg donation process.
1. Definition of egg donation
Egg donation occurs when one woman donates eggs to another person or persons for the purpose of helping them to conceive a baby. In most instances this involves creating an embryo, using a man’s sperm, which is then implanted into the recipient’s uterus.
2. Donor screening
Most fertility centers accept egg donors between the ages of 21 and 34. The person donating the eggs undergoes tests for multiple sexually transmitted diseases including human immunodeficiency virus, chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea and hepatitis. Additionally, many doctors require donors to go through psychiatric testing to ensure they are mentally prepared for the procedure.
3. Harvesting the eggs
In order to donate eggs, the person supplying the eggs will go on medication to enable her to release multiple eggs in one cycle. An ultrasound probe with a needle at the end enters the vaginal tissues and suctions the eggs from the woman’s ovaries. Some donors experience discomfort, such as feeling bruised and sore, during or after the harvesting procedure. Working with a fertility center that prioritizes the health and safety of all parties involved is imperative.
All fertility-related decisions require forethought and are not for people to enter into lightly. Potential donors should do their homework before agreeing to anything and ask as many questions as it takes to feel fully prepared for the process.